Take us for a test drive

Setting the Path to Retirement

Hiring, or changing, advisors is a big deal.  You took your time, did some research, and now recognize some of the advantages of working with Global View.

You might be surprised how many people read our blogs and website and call us to ’open accounts’.  But we recognize most people want to try us on first.  And quite frankly, we are not a fit for everyone.

And that’s literally why we created the Setting the Path process.  It has a known cost, with a known deliverable.  And, because most new clients who hire us for this learn enough to hire us for ongoing investment advisory services, we make it extremely affordable.

If you become a client within 6 months, we’ll rebate your fee* (please see conditions below).

We call this our Setting the Path service.  Here’s how it works:

Take Us for a Test Drive

Two Sessions – $1,995 investment

  • Are you on the right path to accomplish your goals?
  • How will a market crash impact you and your family?
  • Are you on track to retire when you want to?

We address the above questions in our Setting the Path planning process. We will take you through a two-meeting process that brings together all aspects of your financial life: savings need, debt management, retirement, education, survivorship, taxation, estate planning, etc.

This is an opportunity for you to experience Global View’s high-level Setting the Path process with minimal obligation.

Here’s how it works:

  1. 15-30-minute telephone conversation (free). This meeting will allow us to determine if there is a mutual fit.  And to make sure you are willing to commit to the terms of Setting the Path.
  2. Homework. To make best use of our mutual time, we will email you a planning questionnaire and have you complete a risk assessment.  We provide an encrypted secure portal to upload documents (and protect your privacy).  We also ask you to agree to the terms of service of Setting the Path.
  3. First Meeting – The objective of this meeting is twofold: to make sure you understand what we do (and how to some degree) and to make sure we have a clear understanding of your current situation and goals.
  4. Homework Follow-up. Prior to the second meeting we will likely be communicating with you to fill in blanks and gather additional information, so we can get a complete picture of your financial situation.
  5. Second Meeting –For the second meeting we will have a first draft of the Financial Picture and Plan Summary. We will also illustrate the probability of you reaching your specific goals. During the meeting we can address any “what if” questions using our financial tools.
  6. Delivery of Final Plan Summary. After the meeting, we will finalize your Plan Summary and email it to you.  This will include a list of specific recommendations and a prioritized list of 3-5 initial action items that we feel are most important.

Result:  In any circumstance, this provides you with a valued second opinion on your current situation and what needs to be done to help you achieve your goals.

We have found most clients seeking our services desire ongoing investment advisory services.  For qualified clients, we rebate the Setting the Path fee.

During this process you will get an experiential understanding of what we do to help our clients, so you can determine if we’re the right fit for ongoing investment advisory services.

We will take you through a two-meeting process that brings together all aspects of your financial life: savings need, debt management, retirement, education, survivorship, taxation, estate planning, etc.

Download your complimentary copy: Late Start to Retirement Planning

It’s never too late to plan for retirement. The key is starting now!