One dedicated team to service all of your financial needs

Family-Office Style Services

Legacy Wealth Planning with a ‘Family Office’


Family Offices originated in the sixth century. A ‘King’s steward’ was responsible for managing the royal family’s wealth. Fast forward to today… and more people understand they want Family Office services.

Wealthy royal families created an office to run all financial affairs for their family. Few families can now create such an office on their own due to the high cost and complexity of creating one.  But, because the benefit can be huge, more and more families want one.  At least after they find out what they can do.  A family office can provide:

  • Full service legacy wealth management, including investment management and financial planning,
  • Tax, estate and insurance planning coodination
  • A singular focus on preserving, protecting, and conservatively growing the family’s wealth
  • Consideration of income tax and estate planning issues for all recommendations

At Global View, we offer ‘family office’ style wealth management so you can enjoy these benefits without the difficulty of identifying qualified professionals. 

Coordinated Services for Optimal Results

When you’ve got serious money, you don’t want to be swinging for the fences.  Instead you want to use any edge you can to increase returns without taking greater risk.   Sometimes it makes sense to reduce risk and expect lower returns.

Taxes make a big difference.  There’s no free lunch, but you can get close to it by making your investments more tax-efficient.

Estate planning is integral to wealth management.  A primary goal is to ensure your heirs keep as much of your estate as possible.  And it’s also about eliminating unexpected surprises for heirs, to make things “worry-free.”  Whether it’s through gifting strategies, establishing revocable or irrevocable trusts, or establishing a charitable giving plan, you’ll get a strategy and implementation that truly reflects your wishes.  Even those you don’t know you have.  Yet.  

Managing the Risks You See…and The Ones You Don’t.

Investing, tax planning and estate planning are only part of the equation.

A big part of wealth management is keeping what you worked so hard to earn.  That means guarding against potential risks.

Most advisors will help you look at investment risks.  But the real risks may be harder to spot:

  • Protecting your assets from creditors or other threats
  • Keeping assets within your family as much as possible in case of divorce
  • Real diversification across your entire life and financial picture (considering real estate, concentrated stock ownership, options and other issues)
  • Excessive fees from financial products that erode wealth (especially high cost annuities and insurance).

The list goes on.

At Global View, our first goal is to first help you keep what you’ve worked so hard to earn.  This means we help you with all these things.  We cover ground most advisors don’t…since you can’t afford to lose serious money.  Protecting your legacy wealth is important to us.  Unfortunately many advisors use “asset protection” as a ruse to sell insurance.  Not us.

After we get these ducks in a row, we focus on helping you keep more of the returns the market has to offer. Learn more about our unique investment services here.

With our family office-style services, you can expect less stress and fewer hassles.  Getting things right up front saves immeasurable hassle later.

Ready for some straight talk about protecting and growing your wealth?

Schedule a free, no-strings attached first conversation today with the Global View team.